We are absolutely thrilled to have as our guests, Becky Clarke and girlfriends. Becky Clarke is one of the foundings sisters of “Sisters on the Fly”. We are honored that the Sisters on the Fly co-founder visits Wagonhammer RV Park.
We had such fun peeking into their vintage camper rigs last evening. We followed with an informative chat about this great sisterhood with Becky Clarke.
Becky moved from California to Idaho with a dream to learn the art of fly fishing. Becky, her sister and Mom fulfilled this goal by going to the Madison River in Montana with a nephew, an outfitter and from this begins the seed of Sisterhood on the Fly. This cherished memory is painted on the side of Becky’s camper.

Becky’s mom,, Becky and her sister fishing are painted on the side of Becky’s camper
The next year they invited 8 girlfriends to join the adventurous fun of exploring. A big article published in Country Living magazine (publisher just happened to be Becky’s personal friend) was the beginning of the Sisterhood growth. The year was 1998 and today the membership has grown to 6,900 members with 680 joining this month.
The sisters have appeared on the Today Show, Good Morning America, and Oprah
They are also being featured in October’s issue of Cowboys & Indians magazine which is presently on the newsstand.
Becky started sharing with a great passion what the sisterhood has become today. It began with fly fishing but has since evolved way beyond.
They have organized a support group “Casting for Recovery”. Breast cancer victims have become a focus for the Sisterhood with the thought that through casting they are able to help build muscles which is a big part of the post surgery recovery. The organization donated $60.000 last year to Cancer Research. As they gather a listening ear, lots of love & fun has helped the many victims to become survivors with new hope.
Each year they donate a vintage trailer for a raffle which last year brought in another $28,000 to further their goals to help women in need.
They have started a cowgirl boot camp in Wyoming to give a helping hand to gals in stress.
As Becky shared their goals and accomplishments we all had a tear in our eye as we listened to her very giving success story reaching far & wide. Today only 1/3 of the members are fly fishing but they all have one great goal,
Wagonhammer thanks Jessica, Vickie,& Ferne (visiting guests with Becky) for visiting sharing your rigs with us. These women were part of the original eight girlfriends,
Thanks to Linda Foster, a Wagonhammer campground host for sharing her photos.
What a thrill to meet Becky, thanks so much for sharing your inspirational stories and may our friendship continue!
Wagonhammer RV Park welcomes vintage campers. It is such fun for the other camping guests to see the colorful campers.