Morel Mushrooms is Hot Topic at Wagonhammer

Morel Mushrooms Have Arrived at Wagonhammer RV Park & Campground

The “Mystic Morel Mushroom” Is probably the hottest subject around Wagonhammer as we chat in the lodge or by the campfire. The delectable morel is a byproduct of our forest’s of last year as the morel thrives from the nutrients of the charcoal.

We have a most interesting group of mushroom seekers staying at Wagonhammer seeking the gourmet morel for both personal and commercial uses. I tasted my first morel and do agree that this tiny mushroom has a musty very intense flavor which I really do enjoy. I enjoyed the morel sautéed in butter and garlic and also in a tempura batter. My favorite presentation was a morel and chanterelle cream of mushroom soup. My friend Lea Rae and I lunched at our Salmon Odd Fellows Bakery and decided it was the best mushroom soup ever tasted. The chef had freshly picked the mushrooms the same morning. Their breads fresh from the brick ovens are also the best.

Yes I am now a morel affectionate. Again something good comes from something not so good as our fires of last year.

Summer has arrived and we are preparing for the warm, leisurely days and wonderful long evenings by the Salmon Riverbank. We have already had a host of interesting guests.

A first for Wagonhammer was a “Boaterhome”. The Casebeers stopped by Wagonhammer for an evening on route to the Alaskan Inner Passage coming from Florida They enjoyed their spot right on the Salmon river enjoying the boat’s deck and a good night’s sleep in their very own cabin with the Salmon River’s music to soothe the soul.

Boaterhome Camping, Idaho Campgrounds

Our First Boaterhome

Our tepees are up for the season and the reservations are happening. I always hear the excitement in the voices as they are awaiting a new venture and experience. Reservations are good and we look forward to meeting new guests and our many Be Backs.

Setting up tepees, Idaho Campgrounds

2013 Tepees await our guests!

What’s Happening at Wagonhammer and why do our guest extend their stay?

*White Water Rafting * Horse Back Riding *Fishing *Historical Locations
*Hiking * Farmer’s Market * Bird Watching *Antiquing and Enjoying the Local Cuisine
Or just relaxing by The Salmon Riverside and enjoying the Local Widlife

Make your reservations at (208) 865-2477.

Happy Trails

3 thoughts on “Morel Mushrooms is Hot Topic at Wagonhammer

  1. Hal and Julie Roach

    Dear Shirley and Ab,
    Hope you’re doing well. Love your website! You have a beautiful place! Hope we can get up your way and say “Howdy!”

    Take care,

    • Wagonhammer Post author

      Hi Julie, we welcome you at Wagonhammer as we have a wealth of beauty, local history and adventure to offer you. We hope to see you soon!

  2. The Sowerbys

    Hi Ab and Shirley-
    Your new web site is simply outstanding. Congratulations!
    We’re really looking forward to returning/arriving next week and spending a month with our Wagonhammer family. See you soon.

    Meanwhile, here’s a toast to you both……..
    1……..2…. ..3………WAGONHAMMER!!!
    Fred and Lynne

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