RV Destinations in Idaho

RV Destinations in Idaho “Be-Backs” Reviews Our RV Park

Idaho RV Park Be-backs

Wagonhammer RV Park & Campground welcomes “Be-Backs”

I am thrilled that so many of our guests enjoy traveling to RV destinations in Idaho.  Our “Be-Backs”  RV Park reviews share their experiences with us below.  We hope to welcome more campers into our “Be-Backs” family!

“We’ve stayed at Wagonhammer the last two years.  Each year, we stayed longer than planned.  Just made our reservations for next year, for an entire month!  Wagonhammer is a most beautiful RV park in Idaho, surrounded by mountains, and right on the Salmon River.  Abner and Shirley Schultz take tremendous pride in their park, and are more than your hosts.  They become your personal concierge, facilitating whatever your needs may be, as you take advantage of all this area has to offer.  With so much to see, so much to do, and the best accomadations available anywhere in the area, we’ll be ” Be Backs” at Wagonhammer for many years to come.  One….Two….Three :  WAGONHAMMER!  ” –  Fred and Lynne Sowerby, Bandera, Texas.

As our valued guests say good-bye to Wagonhammer they are greeted with a sign  “Thank-You  Be-Back”.  We are amazed and thrilled with our many return folks at WAGONHAMMER RV Park.  We estimate that 65% of our customer base return to their favorite RV destinations in Idaho at our  RV Park as our “Be-Backs”  and the percentage is growing!!!  In fact we have decided to show our appreciation to our
“Be-Backs” with a special WAGONHAMMER coffee mug.

Carl and Jan from Pennyslvania say  —-

“When we first walked in the door we knew we arrived at a very special park  from the reception we received.  We have returned many times since to visit and we know of no other place that we look forward to camping more because we truly feel like we are part of a wonderful family.”

Abner and Betty from Florida came back this year for their 5th visit and stayed for 18 days.  They have a favorite spot right on the Salmon River and as we said good bye yesterday…

“See you next year  The Lord Willing”

Bill Beyer, Phoenix, Az.– Bill with his beautiful white dog, plans on staying with us through October on # 27 right on the river.

“Great People who run the place.  They make it my home away from home.”

We thank our Salmon Valley for all of the well preserved Idaho history and our local businesses who welcome our guests and make them feel so appreciated.  The natural beauty surrounding our Idaho RV Park and campground is breath taking and makes you never doubt that their is a “Supreme Being” in control.     THANK-YOU “BE BACKS” for helping to make our RV Park one of the best RV Destinations in Idaho.