Bikers Remember the Wounded at our Idaho Campgrounds

Scott King – Remember the Wounded Biker welcomed by our campers at Wagonhammer
Memorial Day Weekend at Wagonhammer *CYCLES, CYCLES & MORE CYCLES Friday, May 27th,2011 was a miraculous kickoff day to create a special Memorial Day weekend at Wagonhammer Campgrounds.Our campers were just sitting around the table enjoying that first cup of JAVA and discussing ways to make Memorial Weekend special at Wagonhammer RV Park, when the front door bell alerted us to a visitor.Introduced as Scott King on his bicycle in his gear to withstand the elements, we invited him to join us for a coffee which lead to purposeful conversation about the meaning of “True PATRIOTISM and Remembering those who GRANTED US OUR freedom”. Scott is a driving force behind “Remember the Wounded” who is visiting every state capital in the union pedaling his way across our Nation. He shared with us the photos of bicycles already given to our wounded giving them mobile freedom through this organization.We plan on following Scott cross country as he will Facebook Wagonhammer along the way.

Scotty leaving Wagonhammer RV Park & Campground continues on his mission!
Our Sunday Guests from Sandpoint, Idaho “6” in total with their bicycles were celebrating 40th birthdays with the challenge of biking from Missoula to Sun Valley. I will feature their cause and adventures in an up and coming BLOG and then to cap off the evening 3 motorcycles arrived from Colorado enroute to Alaska, the one Being a “Be Back” to our Wagonhammer Campground.
We ended our celebration with traditional holiday hot dogs and watermelon. What a wonderful Touching Memorial Day weekend at Wagonhammer RV Park located on the Salmon River near North Fork, Idaho.
We invite you to come and see why our “Be Backs” Return Year after Year to our Top Rated Idaho RV Resort.